
    Marilyn Aita , Inf. , Ph.D.
    Marilyn Aita
    Research Axis
    Fetomaternal and Neonatal Pathologies Axis
    Research Theme
    Fetal development and prematurity

    514-343-6111, poste 51473




    • Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Université de Montréal (2006)
    • Researcher, CHU Sainte-Justine Research Centre (2016)
    • Leader of the strategic group 3: Care of the populations in vulnerable situations, Quebec Network on Nursing Intervention research [RRISIQ] (2018)


    IINNés: Interventions Infirmières pour le Neurodéveloppement des Nouveau-nés prématurés


    • Postdoctoral Fellowship, Nursing, University of Toronto, McGill University (2014)
    • Ph.D., Nursing, McGill University (2008)
    • Master, Nursing, Université de Montréal (1997)
    • Baccalaureate, Nursing, Université de Montréal (1994)

    Research Interests

    Marilyn Aita main research interests focus on the impact of the neonatal environment on the neurodevelopment of preterm infants and, more specifically, on the development and evaluation of nursing interventions related to developmental care in neonatology.

    Research Topics

    • Neonatology
    • Innovative interventions
    • Developmental care
    • Neonatal environment
    • Nursing practices
    • Neurodevelopment

    Career Summary

    Marilyn Aita practiced neonatal nursing for a few years before pursuing doctoral studies at McGill University and then a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Toronto (joint with McGill University). This clinical experience in neonatology motivated her main research interests which relate to the development and evaluation of developmental care interventions aimed at modifying the neonatal environment in order to optimize the neurodevelopment of preterm infants hospitalized in the neonatal unit.

    Awards and Distinctions

    • 2017: Prize for the best oral presentation and poster in nursing at an international conference: 28th Annual Meeting European Society of Pediatric Neonatal Intensive Care European Society of Pediatric Neonatal Intensive Care.
    • 2015: Selected to participate in the 10th National Association of Neonatal Nurses [NANN] Annual Research Summit.
    • 2014-2016: Training grant: Randomized Controlled Trials: Mentoring - Canadian Institute for Health Research [CIHR].

    Major Financing

    • 2019-2021: Co-PIs : Aita, M. & Héon, M. Co-Is: Altit, G., De Clifford Faugère, G., Dorval, V., Larone Juneau, A., Lavallée, A., Le May, S., Lippé, S., Remmer, E., Rennick, J. Effects of a Nurturing and Quiet Intervention (NeuroN-QI) on Preterm Infants' Neurodevelopment and Maternal Stress and Anxiety: A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial. Réseau de recherche en interventions infirmières du Québec [RRISIQ], projet intégrateur. 90,000$.
    • 2019/10 - 2021/3: Co-PIs : Cossette, S. & Feeley, N. Co-Is : Aita, M., Maheu, C., Gagnon, M-P., Roch, G., & Semenic, S. Ministère de la Santé et des Services Sociaux [MSSS] et Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé [FRQ-S], Réseau de recherche en intervention en sciences infirmières du Québec (RRISIQ), Soins des populations en situation de vulnérabilité, portion de financement reçu – 213 333$
    • 2017-2020: Co-PIs : Aita, M. & Semenic, S. Co-Is : Larone Juneau, A. (responsable des leaders cliniques), Feeley, N., Haiek, L., Héon, M., Lechasseur, K., Roch, G., Talbot, L., Favoriser le développement des enfants prématurés et l'implication des parents par l’optimisation des meilleures pratiques infirmières. Subvention Fondation de l’Ordre des Infirmières et Infirmiers du Québec [OIIQ] - Pour mieux soigner, 250 000$.
    • 2017-2020: PI: Aita, M., Co-Is: Feeley, N., Stremler, R., De Clifford Faugère, G. & Lavallée, A. Effectiveness of Interventions during NICU Hospitalization on the Short-term Neurodevelopment of Preterm Infants: A Systematic Review Protocol. Réseau de recherche en interventions infirmières du Québec [RRISIQ], Subvention projet pilote, 24 493$.


    • Aita, M., Feeley, N., Stremler, R., De Clifford Faugère, G., Lavallée, A., Proulx, M-H., & Rioux, E. (2020). Effectiveness of Interventions on Preterm Infants Early Neurodevelopment: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. The 32nd Annual Gravens Conference on the Environment of Care for High Risk Newborns, in collaboration with the March of Dimes. Clearwater, Florida, États-Unis. 4 au 7 mars.
    • Aita, M., Semenic, S., Larone Juneau, A., & Grou, B. (2019). Nursing-sensitive indicators of neonatal care practices to enhance infants and parental outcomes through the CVP-Neon@t. XXIII Nursing Research Conference, Barcelone, Espagne, 20 au 22 novembre.
    • Aita, M. (2018, conférencière invitée). Consolider une communauté virtuelle de pratique en néonatalogie afin d'optimiser les meilleures pratiques infirmières. Experts mondiaux en ligne. Secrétariat International des Infirmières et Infirmiers de l’Espace Francophone [SIDIIEF], Mondial. Octobre.
    • Aita, M., Stremler, R., Feeley, N., & Nuyt, A-M. (2018). Réduire la lumière et le bruit lors du contact peau à peau sur l’anxiété des mères :  Une étude pilote. 7ième Congrès Mondial des infirmières et infirmiers francophones. Bordeaux, France, 3 au 6 juin.
    • Aita, M., Stremler, R., Feeley, N., & Nuyt, A-M. (2017). Estimating the effect of reducing light and noise during skin-to-skin contact on maternal anxiety. 28th European Societies of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Societies [ESPNIC]. Lisbonne, Portugal, 6 au 9 juin.


    • Aita, M., Stremler, R., Feeley, N., Nuyt, A-M., & Lavallée, A. (2019). Acceptability to nurses of reducing NICU light and noise levels during Skin-to-Skin Care: A pilot study. Applied Nursing Research, 47, 29-31.
    • Lavallée, A., De Clifford-Faugère, G., Fernandes, N., Garcia, C., Héon, M, Aita., M. (2019). Part I: Developmental care for the preterm newborn: Narrative overview and implications for practice. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 25(1), 3-8.
    • Lavallée, A., de Clifford-Faugère, G., Héon, M., Fernandez-Oviedo, A. N., Garcia, C., & Aita, M. (2019). Part II: Practice and Research Recommendations for Quality Developmental Care in the NICU. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 25, 160-164.
    • De Clifford Faugère, G., Aita, M., Le May, S., & Héon, M. (2019). Management of procedural pain in preterm infants through olfactive stimulation with mothers’ milk: A pilot study. Science of Nursing and Health Practices, 2: 1.
    • Aita, M., De Clifford, G. & Lavallée, A. (2018). Contrôler l’environnement physique néonatal des nouveau-nés prématurés. Cahiers de la puéricultrice, 55, 12-14.
    • Aita, M., Stremler, R., Feeley, N., Lavallée, A., & De Clifford Faugère, G. (2017). Effectiveness of Interventions during NICU Hospitalization on the Neurodevelopment of Preterm Infants: A Systematic Review Protocol. BMC Systematic Review, 6: 1-5.
    • Lavallée, A., Aita, M., Bourbonnais, A., & De Clifford Faugère, G. (2017). Effectiveness of Early Intervention for Parental Sensitvity Following Preterm Birth: A Systematic Review Protocol. BMC Systematic Review, 6: 62.
    • De Clifford-Faugère, G., Aita, M., & Lavallée, A. (2017). Olfactive stimulation’ interventions for managing procedural pain in preterm and full-term neonates: a systematic review protocol. BMC systematic review, 6: 203.
    • Aita, M., Goulet, C, Oberlander, T, Snider, L, Johnston C. (2015). A Randomised Controlled Trial of Eye goggles and Earmuffs to Reduce Pain Response of Preterm Infants. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 21, 93-103.
    • Aita, M., Johnston, C, Goulet, C., Oberlander, T.F., & Snider, L. (2013). Intervention Minimizing Preterm Infants' Exposure to NICU Light and Noise. Clinical Nursing Research, 22, 337-358.

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