
    Jacques A. De Guise , Ph.D.
    Jacques A. De Guise
    Research Axis
    Musculoskeletal Health, Rehabilitation and Medical Technologies Axis
    Research Theme
    Development of diagnostic and prognostic technologies and new therapeutic approaches
    CHUSJ - Centre de Recherche

    514 396-8922

    514 396-8595


    Career Summary

    LJacques de Guise, a Full Professor at the Department of Automated Production Engineering of the École de technologie supérieure, is interested in the digital processing of 2D and 3D medical images, 3D modeling, computer-assisted biometrics and the functional evaluation of the locomotor and vascular systems. After completing his Bachelor's in Electrical Engineering at the École Polytechnique Montreal in 1977, he did his graduate studies at the Biomedical Engineering Institute of École Polytechnique and the University of Montreal, where he obtained his PhD in 1984 under the direction of Prof. Fernand A. Roberge. He then spent two years at the Computer Vision and Robotics Laboratory at McGill University as an NSERC postdoctoral fellow under the direction of Prof. Marti D. Levine from 1984-1986. He then worked as a NSERC postdoctoral fellow in the Biomedical Engineering Institute, where he did 3D medical imaging work from 1986 to 1990. In 1990, he accepted a position in the Department of Automated Production Engineering at the École de technologie supérieure. He spent 1997-1998 as a Guest Professor at the Biomechanics Laboratory of the École nationale supérieure d'arts et métiers (ENSAM) in Paris. During that time, he had the opportunity of working with a team associated with the work of G. Charpak, recipient of the 1992 Nobel Prize for Physics, on new low radiation radiographic imaging technologies.

    Jacques de Guise is an Associate Professor at the Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Montreal and an Associate Professor at the Biomechanics Laboratory at ENSAM in Paris. He is also an Associate Professor at the Biomedical Engineering Institute of École Polytechnique Montreal and an active member of the CHU Sainte-Justine and CHUM research centers. He is the Director of the Imaging and Orthopedics Research Laboratory (LIO) of the École de technologie supérieure/CHUM Research Center.

    Awards and Distinctions

    • Pierre-H. Labelle Prize, Québec Scoliosis Society, 2001. Parent S., Labelle H., Skalli W., de Guise J.A. Étude des corrélations entre les différents paramètres décrivant la déformation scoliotique vertébrale locale.
    • Roger-Simoneau Prize - Basic Research, 30th Annual Conference of the Québec Scoliosis Society, Montréal, 2000. Parent S., Labelle H., Mitulescu A., Latimer B., Skalli W., Lavaste F., de Guise, J.A. Analyse morphométrique de spécimens anatomiques scoliotiques.
    • First Prize, Research Innovation of the Association québécoise des fabricants de l'industrie médicale (AQFIM), 2000. St-Onge N., Parent G., de Guise, J.A., Yahia, L'H. Un analyseur du mouvement pour l'évaluation tridimensionnelle de la cinématique du genou : un outil diagnostique.
    • Popular Choice, Research Innovation of the AQFIM, 2000. Chevalier, Y., de Guise, J.A., Yahia, L'H. Modélisation biomécanique 3D du genou pour l'étude de la cinématique articulaire des reconstructions ligamentaires.
    • Joseph-Blaimont Prize, Best presentation in biomechanics applied to clinical orthopedic surgery, 7th Conference of the Association des orthopédistes de langue française, Beirut, Lebanon, 2000. Étude comparative de reconstruction du ligament croisé postérieur sur genoux cadavériques.

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