Research Axis
Musculoskeletal Health, Rehabilitation and Medical Technologies Axis
Research Theme
Development of diagnostic and prognostic technologies and new therapeutic approaches
CHUSJ - Centre de Recherche
514 345-4931 #5722
Since October 2000, Dr Moreau is Head of the Molecular Genetics Laboratory of Musculoskeletal Diseases where he leads a research team involved in the molecular genetics of musculoskeletal diseases affecting pediatric (scoliosis) and adult population (osteoarthritis). Projects undertaken in his lab focus mainly on musculo-skeletal diseases affecting children (congenital malformations, cartilage and bone tumors), adolescents (idiopathic scoliosis) and adults (osteoarthritis and articular cartilage degeneration). In addition, his team investigates the molecular mechanisms underlying inflammation and regeneration of musculoskeletal tissues. Dr Moreau is an active member of the Montreal Centre for Bone and Periodontal Research (a consortium of researchers working in the bone field) created by McGill University, the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research and the Québec Scoliosis Society. Dr Moreau also acts as Scientific Leader of the Biology and Molecular Genetics Axis of the Québec Scoliosis Network.
Interview with Dr. Alain Moreau and article about the research work on musculoskeletal diseases done in Sainte-Justine University Hospital Research Center
« The Backbone of Molecular Genetics », published in International Innovation, 2014
International Innovation, published by Research Media, is the leading global dissemination resource for the wider scientific, technology and research communities, dedicated to disseminating the latest science, research and technological innovations on a global level. More information and a complimentary subscription offer to the publication can be found at: