
    Antoine Payot , M.D. , Ph.D.
    Antoine Payot
    Research Axis
    Fetomaternal and Neonatal Pathologies Axis
    Research Theme
    Bioethics and family study group

    514 345-4931 #4685

    514 345-7725


    • Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Montréal
    • Neonatologist and researcher, Sainte-Justine University Hospital Research Center
    • Director, Clinical Ethics Unit, CHU Sainte-Justine
    • Member of the Bioethics Committee, CHU Sainte-Justine
    • Director of Clinical Ethics Microprogram and Pediatric Clinical Ethics option in Biomedical Sciences, University of Montréal


    • Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences, Bioethics option, University of Montréal
    • Certificate in Neonatology, Collège des médecins du Québec
    • Certificate in Pediatrics, Collège des médecins du Québec
    • M.D., Université de Genève

    Research Interests

    Dr Payot is a pediatrician and neonatologist at the CHU Sainte-Justine since 2004.

    In addition to his clinical activities, he developed and directs a training program and a Master's program in pediatric clinical ethics at the University of Montreal. This innovative program is the first of its kind in Canada as it allows a direct link between theoretical training and the complex realities in the field of maternal-fetal and pediatric medicine. The teaching and research program in clinical ethics is aimed at both clinicians and students from diverse backgrounds in humanities.

    Dr Payot also directs the Clinical Ethics Unit at CHU Sainte-Justine. This unit is linked to the teaching and research program as a place of reflection, support and training for clinicians and teams facing complex ethical situations (transplant, prematurity, prenatal diagnosis, complex disease, etc.).

    His research interests are:

    • Communication ethics, clinical autonomy and informed consent;
    • Involvement of parents and families in complex medical decision-making;
    • Narrativity in clinical ethics;
    • Ethics and prenatal diagnosis;
    • Quality of life;
    • Pediatric and perinatal palliative care.


    • Ethical Legal And Social Implications Of Neonatal Intensive Care Units (2012/06), Fondation Brocher, Suisse, A. Payot, Why is there so much inconsistencey between late pregnancy termination and perinatal palliative care?
    • Ethical Legal And Social Implications Of Neonatal Intensive Care Units (2012/06), Fondation Brocher, Suisse, A. Payot, Predicting the future : about quality of life and social aspects.
    • 5e Congrès internationale de Soins Palliatifs Pédiatriques (2012/10), Montréal, A. Payot et A. Janvier, Mourir avant ou après la naissance : qu’est-ce que ça change ?
    • A. Payot, V. Désilet, J. Dubé. Envisager les soins palliatifs en période prénatale, une cohérence d’équipe. 4e Congrès francophone de soins palliatifs pédiatriques, Montréal, septembre 2009 (présentation orale).
    • A. Payot, H. Doucet, M. Duval, S. Plante. Consultations d’éthique « a posteriori », des dilemmes qui rassemblent. 4e Congrès francophone de soins palliatifs pédiatriques, Montréal, septembre 2009 (atelier).
    • Conférencier invité. La gestion des symptômes en soins palliatifs néonataux : où en sommes-nous? 5e Symposium de soins palliatifs pédiatriques, Lausanne, Suisse, juin 2009.
    • Conférencier invité. Les soins palliatifs périnataux : Une alternative « viable » à l’interruption de grossesse? Association des pédiatres de langue française, Congrès annuel de la Société française de pédiatrie, Toulouse, France, juin 2009.

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