Her research focuses on cognitive, personality and biological risk factors for the development and maintenance of drug abuse and the factors that mediate the co-occurrence of addictive behaviours with other mental disorders. Her experimental research focuses on factors that make people more susceptible to seek out behavioral reinforcement from drugs of abuse. More recently, her research findings have led to the development of new approaches to substance abuse treatment and prevention that target personality risk factors and the underlying motivational determinants of drug use in subtypes of substance misusers. She developed the Preventure Program, which has been identified as an evidence-based prevention program in the UNODC International Standards for Drug Prevention and the U.S. Surgeon General’s 2016 Report on Addiction.
Patricia Conrod is a Clinical Psychologist by training and a Full Professor of Psychiatry at the Université de Montréal. She is based at the Centre de recherche Azrieli du CHU Sainte-Justine, a mother and child hospital Research Centre in Montreal, where she holds a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Preventative Mental Health and Addiction, and a Research Chair in Social and Community Pediatrics funded by Fondation Julien/Jean & Marcelle Coutu and co-directs Centre IMAGINE, a pediatric neuroimaging research centre. Dr. Conrod is also Scientific Director of the FRQS Quebec Research Network on Suicide, Mood Disorders and Associated Conditions (RQSHA) and the CIHR Canadian Cannabis and Psychosis Research Team, and she leads the Strategy for Neuroscience and Mental Health at the Universite de Montreal (SENSUM; www.sensum.umontreal.ca). She was one of five panel members appointed by the Canadian Government to review the Cannabis Act, which published its recommendations in April, 2024.
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Almost $40 million in grants from the Innovation Fund of the Canada Foundation for Innovation