
    André Tremblay , Ph.D.
    André Tremblay
    Research Axis
    Metabolic and Cardiovascular Health Axis
    Research Theme
    Energy metabolism, stress and mitochondrial dysfunction
    CHUSJ - Centre de Recherche

    514 345-4931 #2830

    514 345-4988


    • Head Deputy, Research Axis - Metabolic and Cardiovascular Health, CHU Sainte-Justine
    • Full Professor, Department of Obstetrics-Gynecology and Department of Biochemistry, University of Montreal


    • Postdoctorate in Molecular Oncology, McGill University, 1999.
    • Postdoctorate in Endocrinology, Royal Victoria Hospital, McGill University, 1995.
    • PhD in Biochemistry, University of Sherbrooke, 1992.

    Research Interests

    Nuclear receptors are part of a multigenic family of hormone-activated transcription factors that regulate target gene expression and metabolic processes. Of interest is their inherent ability to undergo post-translational modifications in response to cellular kinase pathways. Two classes of receptors are studied in the laboratory: ERα/ERβ and PPARs.

    The estrogen receptors ERα and ERβ mediate hormone responsiveness of reproductive and peripheral tissues, and are involved in diverse aspects of human reproduction, embryonic development, and physiology. Our interest relates to the role of upstream cellular signals that regulate ER functions.

    The PPARs (α, β and g) are nuclear receptors involved in glucose/lipid homeostasis and energy metabolism. The regulation of lipogenic/thermogenic target gene expression, the role of other nuclear receptors such as LXR and FXR, and the mitochondrial activity and biogenesis are among the various aspects studied in the lab relating to metabolic pathologies such as diabetes and lipid disorders.

    Awards and Distinctions

    • New Investigator Salary Award, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2000-2005.

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