
    Kelly Grzywacz , M.D. , M.Sc. , FRCPC
    Kelly Grzywacz
    Research Axis
    Metabolic and Cardiovascular Health Axis

    514 345-4931 7000



    • Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Université de Montréal, 2012


    • Masters in Biochemistry, University of Ottawa, 2016
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, CHU Sainte Justine, 2012 
    • Pediatric Residency, Jefferson Medical College, Nemours Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, 2010
    • MD, Université de Montréal, 2007
    • BSc in Physiology, McGill University, 2003

    Research Interests

    • Inflammatory bowel disease
    • Intestinal microbiome
    • Probiotics
    • Fecal microbiota transplant
    • Non alcoholic fatty liver disease

    Career Summary

    After completing 2 years of pediatric gastroenterology training, I completed a fellowship studying the effects of probiotics and lactoferrin on the intestinal microbiota of premature infants as well as their effects on an animal mode. Since completing my master’s degree, I have been working full time as a pediatric gastroenterologist at Sainte Justine. I have continued my research on the intestinal microbiome while collaborating with McMaster University and Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, on projects related to the intestinal microbiome of children and adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease.

    Awards and Distinctions

    • 2010/06, Philadelphia Pediatric Society Award
    • 2012-2014, Bourse en jumelage de fonds et bourse académique du CHU Sainte Justine
    • 2012-2014, Bourse d’excellence aux études supérieures, Université d’Ottawa, Canada
    • 2013/10, Poster of distinction (The effects of lactoferrin supplementation on the intestinal microbiota of premature infants receiving probiotics), Annual North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (NASPGHAN) Conference 


    • 2016/10/28, Presentation on probiotics, Journée de gastroentérologie, CHU Sainte Justine
    • 2016/11/30, Webinar Allergie Québec : Probiotique et allergies alimentaires : ou sommes-nous en 2016
    • 2018/10/12, Presentation for Family Physicains South Shore: Microbiota and probiotics: updates and impact on clinical practice in pediatrics
    • 2018/11/02, Presentation for Family Physicains North Shore: Microbiota and    probiotics: updates and impact on clinical practice in pediatrics
    • 2018/11/09, Presentation on probiotics, Journée de gastroentérologie, CHU Sainte Justine
    • 2018/11/22, Presentation on chronic diarrhea, Congrès de pédiatrie, Montréal, QC


    1. Grzywacz K, Butcher J, Romain G, Li J, Stintzi A. The impact of probiotics and lactoferrin supplementation on piglet gastrointestinal microbial communities. Biometals 2019 April [Epub ahead of print]
    2. Spahis S, Alvarez F, Ahmed N, Dubois J, El Jalbout R, Paganelli M, Grzywacz K, Delvin E, Zampieri A, Mariotto M, Peretti N, and Lévy E. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease severity and metabolic complications in obese children: impact of omega-3 fatty acids. The Journal of nutritional biochemistry 58 (2018): 28-36
    3. Grzywacz K, Brochu P, Beaunoyer M, Lallier M, Alvarez F. Neonatal Peliosis with maternal ingestion of pesticides. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2014 Feb; 58(2):e14-7

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