Guided by the love of children, generosity, the family, excellence, leadership and ethics, the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation’s mission is to engage the community and support the CHU Sainte-Justine in its pursuit of excellence and its commitment to providing children and mothers with one of the highest levels of health care in the world, now and in the future.
Pediatric medical research is moving forward because of the tremendous generosity of donors who all share a dream: a dream of keeping sick children’s hope alive. The snowball effect of your engagement, combined with the vision and talent of Sainte-Justine’s research teams, has the power to accelerate medical discoveries.
Research Chairs
National Bank Research Chair in Cardiovascular Genetics
Gregor Andelfinger, MD, PhD
The Research Chair in Cardiovascular Genetics serves as the main incubator for research projects pertaining to cardiovascular diseases, including rare diseases or conditions, to help determine the as yet unknown causes of such diseases and ultimately help develop appropriate treatments. This chair will help maintain and broaden the cardiovascular disease tissue sample biobank.
Research Chair of Cercle de Sainte-Justine in Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DoHaD)
Anne Monique Nuyt, MD
The Research Chair of the Cercle de Sainte-Justine in Developmental Origins of Health and Disease aims to better understand the risk of cardiovascular disease in adults born very prematurely. It also seeks to define the best treatment adapted to the physiology of adults born prematurely, to develop interventions to prevent these diseases in adults but also from the neonatal stay and throughout childhood.
Jonathan Bouchard Research Chair in Intellectual Disability
Jacques L. Michaud, MD
The Jonathan Bouchard Research Chair in Intellectual Disability through the outstanding support from the Sandra and Alain Bouchard Foundation will allow us to identify and gain a better understanding of the genetic causes of intellectual disability and ultimately leading to the development of more accurate and rapid diagnostic tools. It will also enable us to develop effective treatments and perhaps even pave the way to prevention.
Research Chair JA DeSève in Nutrition
Emile Levy, MD, PhD
The JA DeSève Research Chair in Nutrition's main goal is the promotion and development of knowledge in prenatal, postnatal and adolescent nutrition to improve health and well-being, while limiting the course and / or consequences of disease.
DePuy Spine Canada Inc. Research Chair in Column Deformations
Stefan Parent, MD, PhD
The DePuy Spine Canada Inc. Research Chair in Column Deformations supports Dr. Stefan Parent's research team to focus on clinical research and teaching as well as the development of innovative surgery techniques for the treatment of scoliosis.
Elisa Linton Research Chair in Lysosomal Diseases
Alexey Pshezhetsky
The Elisa Linton Research Chair in Lysosomal Diseases supports research on Sanfilippo disease and related syndromes.
Research Chair in Pediatric Immune Diseases
Dr. Élie Haddad
The objective of the Research Chair in Pediatric Immune Diseases is to accelerate research on immune diseases, particularly those aimed at understanding the underlying mechanisms of these diseases, developing innovative diagnostic tools, finding new therapeutic strategies or applying the principles of knowledge transfer to other types of diseases, such as cancer. Its creation was made possible by the generosity of BMO Bank of Montreal.