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Clinical Research Assistant
Tel.: 514-345-4931, Ext. 6343
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Tel.: 514-531-3936
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Senior Research Clerk
Tel.: 514-345-4931, Ext. 3873
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Project Leader
Tel.: 514-345-4931, Ext. 6343
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Tel.: 514-345-4931, Ext. 7241
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Clinical Research Assistant
Tel.: 514-345-4931, Ext. 6648
Isabelle Grisoni, Graduate Nurse (France)
Clinical Research Assistant
Tel.: 514-345-4931, Ext. 2760
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PhD student in Anthropology
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Research Administrative Assistant
Tel.: 514-345-4931, Ext. 4133
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Information Systems Consultant
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Project Manager
Tel.: 514-345-4931, Ext. 6343
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Research Assistant
Tel.: 514-345-4931, Ext. 4132
Caroline Proulx-Clerc, graduate nurse (Switzerland)
Clinical Research Assistant
Tel.: 514-345-4931, Ext. 2760
Nicole Poitras, BSc Biology, DAP (graduate degree in public administration)
Senior Project Manager, Team Leader
Tel.: 514-345-4931, Ext. 2157
Ferima Sanogo, BSc Biology, MSc Health Administration
Clinical Research Assistant
Tel.:514-345-4931, Ext. 2760
Maggy Wassef, MSc Health Technology
Research Assistant
1. Tucci M, Lacroix J, Gauvin F, Toledano B, Robitaille N. Transfusion medicine. In: Wheeler DS, Wong HR, Shanley TP, eds. Pediatric critical care medicine: Basic science and clinical evidence. 2nd edition. London: Springer-Verlag 2012:in press.
2. Demaret P, Tucci M, Ducruet Th, Lacroix J – Epidemiology and determinants of red blood cell transfusions in pediatric intensive care. 41st Congress of the Society of Critical Care Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA, February 2012 (Accepté).
3. Tucci M, McIntyre L, Fergusson D, Tinmouth A, Hébert P, Lacroix J. Red blood cell transfusion in the intensive care unit. Critical Care Rounds 2011;8(2):1-8.
4. Lacroix J, Hébert PC, Fergusson D, Tinmouth A, Blajchman MA, Callum J, Cook D, Marshall J, McIntyre L, Turgeon A, for the ABLE study group, and the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group. The age of blood evaluation (ABLE) randomized controlled trial: Study design. Transfusion Medicine Reviews 2011;25:197-205
5. Leach Bennett J, Blajchman MA, Delage G, Fearon M, Devine D. Proceedings of a consensus conference: risk-based decision making for blood safety. Transfus Med Rev. 2011 Oct;25(4):267-92. Epub 2011 Jul 16
6. Toledano B, Tucci M, Lacroix J. Red cell transfusion in pediatric cardiac patients: fact and fallacies. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2011;12:107-8
7. Robillard P, Delage G, Itaj NK, Goldman M. Use of hemovigilance data to evaluate the effectiveness of diversion and bacterial detection. Transfusion 2011 Jul;51(7):1405-11.
8. Lacroix J, Tucci M. Impact clinique de la durée de conservation des globules rouges avant transfusion (Clinical impact of length of storage before red blood cell transfusion). Transfusion Clinique et Biologique 2011; 18 : 97–105.
9. Katsios C, Griffith L, Lacroix J, Crowther M, Hebert P, Meade M, Rabbat C, Geerts W, Guyatt G,Cook DJ. Red blood cell transfusion and increased length of storage are not associated with deep vein thrombosis in medical-surgical critically ill patients. Crit Care 2011;15:R263
10. Karam O, Tucci M, Ducruet T, Hume H, Lacroix J, Gauvin F, for the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group and the PALISI Network. Red blood cell transfusion thresholds in pediatric septic patients. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2011;12(5):512-518.
11. Gauvin F, Spinella PC, Lacroix J, Choker G, Ducruet T, Karam O, Hébert PC, Hutchison JS, Hume HA, Tucci M, on behalf of the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group and the Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators (PALISI) Network. Association between length of storage of transfused red blood cells and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in pediatric intensive care patients. Transfusion 2010 Sep;50(9):1902-13.
12. Karam O, Tucci M, Bateman ST, Ducruet T, Spinella PC, Randolph AG, Lacroix J, for the PALISI Network. Association between length of storage of red blood cell units and outcome of critically ill children. Crit Care 2010;14:R57
13. Willems A, Harrington K, Lacroix J, Biarent D, Joffe A, Wensley D, Hébert PC, Tucci M on behalf of the TRIPICU investigators, for the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group and the Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators (PALISI) Network. Optimal red-cell transfusion strategy after pediatric cardiac surgery. Crit Care Med 2010;38(2):649-56.
14. Rouette J, Trottier H, Ducruet T, Beaunoyer M, Lacroix J, Tucci M. Red blood cell transfusion threshold in post-surgical pediatric intensive care patients: a randomized clinical trial. Ann Surg 2010; 251:421-7
15. Spinella PC, Dressler A, Tucci, M, Carroll CL, Rosen, RS, Hume HH, Sloan S, Lacroix J. Survey of transfusion policies at US and Canadian children’s hospitals in 2008 and 2009. Transfusion 2010;50:2328-35
16. Gauvin F, Spinella P, Lacroix J, Choker G, Toledano B, Hébert PC, Tucci M on behalf of the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group and the Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators Network. Association between length of red blood cell storage and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in pediatric intensive care. Transfusion 2010; 50:1902-1913.
17. Robitaille N, Delage G, Long A, Thibault L, Robillard P. Allergic transfusion reactions from blood components donated by IgA-deficient donors with and without anti-IgA: A comparative retrospective study. Vox Sanguinis 2010;99(2):136-141
18. Robitaille N, Delage G, Long A, Thibault L, Robillard P. Allergic transfusion reactions from blood components donated by IgA-deficient donors with and without anti-IgA: A comparative retrospective study. Vox Sang. 2010;99, 136-141
19. Lacroix J, Trottier H, Tucci M. Transfuser ou ne pas transfuser : Un choix déterminant pour les enfants hospitalisés en service de soins intensifs. [Improving use of red-cell transfusion in pediatric intensive care units] Médecine/Sciences 2009; 25 (11): 963-965.
20. Lacroix J, Tucci M. A review of the TRIPICU study and clinical implications. Minerva Anestesiologica 2009;75(Suppl 1)(7-8):791-3.
21. Karam O, Tucci M, Toledano BJ, Robitaille N, Cousineau J, Thibault L, Lacroix J, Le Deist F. Length of storage and in vitro immunomodulation induced by prestorage leukoreduced red blood cells. Transfusion. 2009 Nov;49(11):2326-34. Epub 2009 Jul 17.PMID: 19624600
22. Robillard P. Editorial. Transfusion Today 2009;80:3-4.
23. Robillard P. International haemovigilance networks. Transfusion Today 2009;80:4-5.
24. Traore AN, Delage G, McCombie N, Robillard P, Heddle NM, Hyson C, Goldman M. Clinical and laboratory practices in investigation of suspected transfusion-transmitted bacterial infection: a survey of Canadian hospitals. Vox Sang. 2009;96, 157-159.
25. Wiersum JC, Robillard P. Haemovigilance in recipients: definitions for international surveillance. Transfusion Today 2009;80:8-9.
26. Bateman ST, Lacroix J, Boven K, Forbes P, Barton R, Thomas NJ, Jacobs B, Markovitz B, Goldstein B, Hanson JH, Li HA, Randolph AG. Anemia, blood loss, and blood transfusions in North American children in the intensive care unit. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2008; 178:26-33.
27. Delage G, Goldman M, Heddle N, McCombie N, Robillard P, for the Public Health Agency of Canada. Guideline for investigation of suspected transfusion transmitted bacterial contamination. CCDR 2008;34S1:1-8.
28. Gauvin F, Champagne MA, Robillard P, Le Cruguel JP, Lapointe H, Hume H. Long-term survival rate of pediatric patients after blood transfusion. Transfusion 2008; 48:801-8.
29. Lacroix J, Hébert PC, Hutchison JS, Hume HA, Tucci M, Ducruet T, Gauvin F, Collet JP, Toledano B, Robillard P, Joffe A, Biarent D, Meert K, Peters MJ. Transfusion Requirements in Pediatric Intensive Care Units - A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Noninferiority Clinical Trials. for the Canadian Critical Care Trials Groups and the Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators (PALISI) Network. N Engl J Med 2007;356:1609-19.
30. Gauvin F, Lacroix J, Robillard P, Lapointe H, Hume H. Acute transfusion reactions in the pediatric intensive care unit. Transfusion 2006;46:1899-908.
31. Armano R, Gauvin F, Ducruet T, Lacroix J. Determinants of red blood cell transfusions in a pediatric critical care unit: a prospective, descriptive epidemiological study. Crit Care Med 2005;33:2637-44.
32. Robillard J, Gauvin F, Molinaro G, Leduc L, Adam A, Rivard GE. The syndrome of amniotic fluid embolism: a potential contribution of bradykinin. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2005;193:1508-12.
33. Desmet L, Lacroix J. Transfusion in pediatrics. Crit Care Clin 2004;20:299-311.