The Student Buddy Program at the Centre de recherche Azrieli du CHU Sainte‐Justine (Centre) is a mentorship program that allows new students to be matched with students who already attend the Centre, from the same educational level and who share similar realities.
The program's objectives are:
- Facilitate the arrival and integration of new graduate students or postdoctoral fellow, from Canada or elsewhere
- Consult with a student who has recently gone through the same steps
- Meet and build relationships with people from the Research Centre.
Who is the program for?
Mentors: All individuals enrolled in a graduate program (M. Sc. or Ph. D. programs) or postdoctoral fellowship, who have been at the Centre for at least 6 months.
Mentees: Anyone enrolled in a graduate program (M. Sc. and Ph. D. programs) or postdoctoral fellowship who is conducting a research project supervised by a regular or associate researcher at the Centre.
The program is primarily intended for new people joining the Centre, but is open to anyone who feels the need.
By agreeing to be a mentor or mentee, you agree to participate in the program for a minimum of 4 months.
For full details, please consult the Practical Guide for Mentors and Mentees.
To register as a mentor or mentee:
Registration is ongoing.