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Our team and the members of the expert committee

of the GPFC

Our team

Denis Lebel
Executive Director

Dr. Catherine Litalien
Medical Director

Dr. Raphaël Kraus
Assistant Medical Director

Sophie Bérubé
Scientific and Clinical Project Lead

Hélène Roy 
Hospital Pharmacy Lead

Ginette Piteau
Administrative and Financial Assistant

From left to right: Denis Lebel has been involved with the GPFC since its creation in 2016 as a hospital pharmacy lead. We are thrilled to announce that he is now assuming the role of Executive Director of the Centre, in addition to his new appointment as Head of the CHU Sainte-Justine Pharmacy Department. Sophie Bérubé, a pharmacist with over 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, is the scientific and clinical project lead at the GPFC since 2018. Hélène Roy, a clinical pharmacist at CHU Sainte-Justine for 20 years, is now the Associate Director of the Pharmacy Department and joins the team as the new hospital pharmacy lead of the GPFC. Ginette Piteau, recently retired after 40 years acting as administrative assistant in cardiac surgery at the CHUSJ, is the administrative and finance assistant of the GPFC.  Dr. Catherine Litalien, a pediatric intensivist at CHU Sainte-Justine for 15 years who now works in the Division of General Pediatrics co-founded the Centre. She is currently acting as Medical Director of the GPFC, after assuming the executive direction from 2016 to 2019.  Dr. Raphaël Kraus, a pediatric rheumatologist at CHU Sainte-Justine, who also holds an M.Sc. in System Leadership and Innovation, has recently joined the team as Assistant Medical Director.

The Expert Committee

Julie Autmizguine Julie Autmizguine
M.D., F.R.C.P.C., M. SC.
Scientific Director
Yves Théorêt Yves Théorêt
Member of the internal advisory committee
Yves Rosconi Yves Rosconi
Consultant in pharmaceutical strategy
About this page
Updated on 11/8/2023
Created on 9/29/2023
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