• Français

Gene Editing

Established in 2016 with the support of the Fondation Charles-Bruneau, the Cas-tech gene editing platform offers highly specialized technological and scientific support to the research community of the CHU Sainte-Justine and other establishments, as well as only to external collaborators and clients who would like to use genome editing methods in their research projects.

We have dedicated expert staff who are thoroughly familiar with CRISPR-Cas9, the technique behind gene editing, and are constantly kept up to date and trained in the latest editing techniques (Prime Editing, Base Editing, RNA Editing (CRISPR-Cas13)).

Our team can not only use these different approaches but also adapt them to the properties of your cell lines. Indeed, the services (knock-out, knock-in, SNP) can be offered to you in lentiviral form, transient plasmid but also in the form of ribonucleoprotein complex (Cas9-RNP). So far, no company has offered an RNP approach for CRISPR-derived techniques: Primee editing and base editing. In order to be able to offer such an approach to customers, we are currently developing protein purification techniques in order to obtain satisfactory concentrations of PE2-RNP (prime editor) and Cas9-APOBEC (base editor). We have also recently offered the ability to target up to 7 target genes in the same cell line. 

Finally, we work in close collaboration with the Cellular Reprogramming platform, so we are used and therefore experienced in gene editing in iPSCs.

vectors available

  • LentiCas9, Lenti-loxP-Cas9-loxP, lentiCas13-EGFP, lentiCRISPR.v2, Lenti-LbCpf1, pCAG-eCa9-GFP-U6-gRNA, pCas9D10A-APOBEC, pCMV-PE2, pLV-hUbC-Cas9-T2A-GFP, pSimpleII-U6-tracr-U6-BsmBI-NLS-NmCas9-HA, LentiGuide-Puro, LentiGuide-loxP-BsmBI-Puro-LoxP, pLentiguide_TetON_forCas13, pU6-sgRNA-EF1alpha-puro-T2A-BFP, pET-PE2-His, pLVX-FLAG3X PE2 IRES BSD. Multiplex kit for CRISPR (targeting up to 7 genes with Cas9 or Cas9D10A).

If the good vector is not listed here, we will buy it! 


  • Gene editing on iPSC or cell line;
  • CRISPR-Cas9, CRISPR-Cpf1, CRISPR-Cas13, Prime editing, Base editing, Zinc finger, shRNA;
  • Theoretical and practical training


  • Academic and industries interested in gene editing


Our theoretical training will allow you to understand gene editing and with our practical training, you will follow one of our experts working on your project with the possibility of carrying out your own experimentation (cloning of gRNA, viral production, transfection method, clonal selection, sequence analysis).

See Theoretical Training (in French only) and Practical Training (in French only) for further information.

Financial Partners

  • Fondation Charles-Bruneau
  • ThéCell Network

Partner institutions

  • CHU Sainte-Justine


Romain Gioia, Ph.D.

Sylvie Pinto, M.sc.
Research assistant

Fabien Touzot, MD., Ph.D
Referee PI

Price List

Please contact Dr. Romain Gioia directly : romain.gioia.hsj@ssss.gouv.qc.ca.

Collaborative Platform

Cell Reprogramming

About this page
Updated on 10/21/2024
Created on 7/20/2022
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