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Research Axes

Musculoskeletal Health, Rehabilitation and Medical Technologies Axis

Axis Head
Axis Head Deputy(ies)

Mission and themes

The CHU Sainte-Justine is a reference centre for musculoskeletal diseases and pediatric rehabilitation, which is recognized worldwide.

Bone and joint deformities as well as mobility problems in children and adolescents are the most frequent health issues that orthopedists, plastic surgeons, physiatrists and other specialists of the locomotor system must face.

Scoliosis is the most frequent deformity of the spine, affecting 2% to 3% of the population. Most efforts made by the scientists of this axis focus on the study of spinal deformities, in particular on the etiopathogenesis of scoliosis and spondylolisthesis.

They also focused on developing innovative modeling and screening tools and improving medical treatments, from pharmacology to surgery to rehabilitation.

This research axis aims to:

  1. understand the mechanisms of musculoskeletal diseases - improve prevention and early detection as well as develop diagnostic tools;
  2. design and develop innovative treatments/interventions that enable patient-tailored.


Development of diagnostic and prognostic technologies and new therapeutic approaches

Study and more efficient approaches for spinal deformities and musculoskeletal diseases

Pediatric rehabilitation and sports medicine

About this page
Updated on 11/15/2021
Created on 8/8/2014
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CHU Sainte-Justine