
    Evelyne Rey , M.D. , M.Sc. , FRCPC
    Evelyne Rey
    Research Axis
    Fetomaternal and Neonatal Pathologies Axis
    Research Theme
    High-risk pregnancies
    CHUSJ - Centre de Recherche

    514 345-4931 #4706

    514 345-4878


    • Associate professor, Department of Obstetrics-Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal
    • Head of the internal medicine in gynecology and obstetrics, CHU Sainte-Justine
    • Member, Groupe d'étude en médecine obstétricale du Québec


    • Master, Biomedical research, 1993, Université de Montréal
    • Fellowship, Toronto (ON) and Oxford (UK) 1985-86
    • Internal medicine specialist 1985, Université de Montréal
    • Medical degree 1981, Université de Montréal
    • BSc, Biologic science 1977, Université de Montréal

    Research Interests

    My main research interests are hypertensive problems in pregnancy, the effects of aspirin in pregnancy, gestational diabetes and maternal morbidity.

    For pregnant women, this translates into better care, both in terms of prevention of complications and treatment.

    Research Topics

    • Clinical research
    • Pregnancy
    • Preeclampsia
    • Aspirin
    • Prevention
    • Chronic diseases in pregnancy
    • Maternal morbidity

    Career Summary

    I have focused my administrative, clinical and research career on the health of pregnant women, more specifically on the impact of chronic and acute diseases on the course of pregnancy. 

    Disseminating knowledge in research in obstetric medicine is at the forefront of my concerns.


    1. Rey E, Garneau P, David M,Gauthier R, Leduc L, Michon N, Morin F, Demers C, Kahn SR, Magee LA, Rodger MA. Dalteparin for the prevention of recurrence of severe placental-mediated complications of pregnancy in women without thrombophilia: a pilot randomised controlled trial. J Thrombos Haemost 2009;7:58-64.
    2. Rey E, Rivard GE. Is testing for aspirin response worthwhile in high-risk pregnancy? Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2011;157:38-42.
    3. Bodmer-Roy S, Morin L, Cousineau J, Rey E. Pregnancy outcomes in women with and without GDM according to IADPSG criteria. Obstet Gynecol 2012;120:746-52.
    4. Magee LA, von Dadelszen P, Rey E, Ross S, Asztalos E, Murphy KE, Menzies J, Sanchez J, Singer J, Gafni A, Gruslin A, Helewa M, Hutton E, Lee SK, Lee T, Logan AG, Ganzevoort W, Welch R, Thornton JG, Moutquin JM. Less-tight versus tight control of hypertension in pregnancy. N Engl J Med. 2015; 29:372(5):407-17.
    5. Brien ME, Boufaied I, Soglio DD, Rey E, Leduc L, Girard S. Distinct inflammatory profile in preeclampsia and postpartum preeclampsia reveal unique mechanisms. Biol Reprod. 2019;100(1):187-94.
    6. Genest D, Dal Soglio D, Girard S, Rey E. Association Between Proteinuria and Placental Pathology in Preeclampsia: A Retrospective Study. Sage Open Medicine 2021;9:1-9.
    7. Magee LA, Smith GN, Bloch C, Côté AM, Jain V, Nerenberg K, von Dadelszen P, Helewa M, Rey E. Guideline No. 426: Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy: Diagnosis, Prediction, Prevention, and Management. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2022;44(5):547-571.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.jogc.2022.03.002.
    8. Couture C, Brien ME, rechtigel J, Ling S, Ledezma-Soto C, Bishop GD, Kebiche Y,Boufaled I, Dal Soglio D, Rey E, Mc Graw S, Graham C, Girard S. Predictive biomarkers and initial analysis of maternal immune alterations in postpartum preeclampsia reveal an immune-driven pathology" Front Immunol. 2024;30;15:1380629.

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