Made possible thanks to the support of the Fondation Charles-Bruneau, the CHU Sainte-Justine Humanized Mouse Platform aims to provide researchers with preclinical models and relevant in vivo study tools to answer scientific questions in many fields, especially in oncology.
We have expertise both in design of experiments, selection of most appropriate type of model to answer a given question as well as for techniques such as surgeries, injections and others. The platform's offer includes 9 different strains of mice, 3 types of humanized mice, an animal handling service (such as surgery and injections), as well as irradiation and in vivo imaging devices.
- Irradiator (Faxitron CP160)
- In vivo Imaging system - Bioluminescence & fluorescence (Labeo)
- 9 mouse strains
- Consultation for experimental design and Institutional Committee for Good Animal Practices in Research (CIBPAR) documentation preparation
- Mouse Humanization (*requires beforehand the human ethical board (IRB) approbation):
- huNSG : mouse humanized with human CD34+ cells only
- BLT : humanized with human CD34 cells and autologous fetal thymic tissue
- CCST : humanized with human CD34 cells and allogeneic neonatal thymic tissue
- Injections (IV, IP)
- Surgeries
- Irradiation
- Xenogeneic mouse models for cancer (consultation for choice of models available)
Academic, pharmaceutical or biotechnology industries interested in preclinical studies in humanized or xenogeneic mouse models.
- Irradiation
- Use of the in vivo imaging instrument
- Injections or other delicate/specialized procedures in mouse (when required)
Financial Partner
- Fondation Charles-Bruneau
Kathie Beland
Yuanyi Li
Research Professional
Elie Haddad
Scientific Director
Price List
See 2023-2024 price list