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Precision Health Scholarship

Upcoming for 2025


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The competition


Healthcare is increasingly moving towards an individualized approach, emphasizing the personalization of diagnostics coupled with targeted treatments, as well as improving disease prediction and prevention. With this in mind, the Precision Child Health Partnership (PCHP) between the SickKids and CHU Sainte-Justine hospitals was established to increase cooperative and collaborative research between two of Canada's largest pediatric hospitals.

This partnership aims to lead to discoveries and the development of tools and technologies that will enable faster, more accurate and efficient diagnoses, more appropriate treatments, increased drug safety and equitable access to individualized care for children and teenagers. 

The Precision Health Scholarship Program is one of the Partnership's flagship initiatives, which aims to fund innovative research that:

  • will transform the discovery and development of new approaches to precision health;

  • will address the challenges related to the provision of care for children at CHU Sainte-Justine and elsewhere.

    This program is aimed for doctoral (PhD) students and postdoctoral fellows.

Amounts and duration of financing

  • Ph.D. candidate: $30,000 per year, for 2 years
  • Postdoctoral Fellow: $50,000 per year, for 2 years

The scholarship activation date is September 1, 2024.

A candidate holding another nominative scholarship of an amount equal to or greater than the amount of the Precision Health scholarship will be able to activate their scholarship when their nominative scholarship ends. Students wishing to activate their scholarship after September 1st must decline the amounts that would have been granted to them between September 1st and the activation of their scholarship.

The scholarship ends when one of these situations occurs:

  • Upon receipt of a nominative scholarship of an equal or greater amount;
  • At the final submission of the thesis;
  • Departing from CR-CHUSJ;
  • On the expected end date of the scholarship.

The scholarship activation date is September 1, 2024.

A candidate holding another nominative scholarship of an amount equal to or greater than the amount of the Precision Health scholarship will be able to activate their scholarship when their nominative scholarship ends. Students wishing to activate their scholarship after September 1st must decline the amounts that would have been granted to them between September 1st and the activation of their scholarship.

The scholarship ends when one of these situations occurs:

  • Upon receipt of a nominative scholarship of an equal or greater amount;
  • At the final submission of the thesis;
  • Departing from CR-CHUSJ;
  • On the expected end date of the scholarship.

Eligibility Criteria and Application Submission

The Precision Health Scholarship competition is organized jointly with the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation scholarship competition.

Candidates who wish to apply to the Precision Health scholarship must apply via the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation scholarship competition and select YES to the question “Would you like to apply for the Precision Health scholarship”. The application will be evaluated within the framework of both competitions by the same Jury. The best candidates will be selected for the Precision Health scholarship (one scholarship per category). Other applications received may obtain a scholarship from the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation if they have evaluation results above the funding threshold.

For all the details and to submit an application, click here: Precision Health Scholarship - CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation Scholarships 2024-2025 (fourwaves.com)

For all questions

Academic Affairs Office
Research Department
CHU Sainte-Justine
(514) 345-4931, ext. 3097


About this page
Updated on 1/9/2025
Created on 3/11/2024
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