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Research Axes

Infectious Diseases and Acute Care Axis

Axis Head
Axis Head Deputy(ies)

Mission and themes

The CHU Sainte-Justine is a reference centre for the prevention, diagnosis and management of infectious diseases that affect pediatric patients and pregnant women in the Province of Quebec. It is also the main centre for pediatric emergency medicine, trauma, and intensive care.

Our institution is the only one in Quebec to group these specific fields of expertise. In this context, the mission of the axis consists of the following priorities:

  1. develop decision-making tools for acute/severe diseases;
  2. develop guidelines and implement programs on prevention of infections;
  3. develop personalized pharmacological approaches for the treatment of infectious;
  4. investigate and understand the mechanisms of resistance to antimicrobial agents.

By bringing together clinical researchers and researchers in basic sciences working at CHU Sainte-Justine in the above-mentioned themes, the axis main goal is to ensure translation from research to bedside but also reverse translation by bringing questions from the bedside to bench. In addition to being key players at CHU Sainte-Justine and its Research Centre, many of the axis members are researchers recognized in their particular fields of expertise. Some of them have played key roles in nucleation of networks and major projects at the provincial, national, and international levels.


Respiratory health

Infection, immunity and inflammation

Prevention of infections

Critical care, trauma and transfusions

Clinical pharmacology

About this page
Updated on 11/15/2021
Created on 2/8/2018
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CHU Sainte-Justine